Wednesday, 29 June 2011


I’ve been briefly touching on this in the previous blog posts due to its importance and major role in weight loss and weight maintenance once the desired weight has been achieved, hence, the need to further elaborate on the need for it.
Regular physical activity is very important for every individual as this enhances loss of body fat and encourages lean muscles which use up more energy to perform basic body functions even while resting. Many of us rarely do more than SIT, stand and sleep. We sit at our desks in the office for an average of 6 to 9 hours a day, attending to issues on our desks, brainstorming or being briefed at meetings, sending mails and “facebooking” LOL etc while the body obviously expends more energy during physical activities than at rest.

An important point to note is that Duration and Regular performance rather than Intensity are the keys to the success of this approach to weight loss and maintenance.

How do I go about increasing my Physical activity?
There are various  ways of increasing ones Physical activities daily and these includes:-
1.       Taking the stairs rather than the Elevator
2.       Packing your car a little bit farther than your point of destination   in  order to walk a longer distance.
3.       Walking the distance to a colleague’s desk to deliver a message rather than using the intercom.
4.       Engaging yourself in conscious exercise:- The most important key here is to engage in something you really enjoy doing as this will encourage you to continue over time e.g. Joining a dance club or school will be more beneficial to someone who enjoys dancing than joining a gym to slave it out on the treadmill. Such individual will look forward to returning to learn new dance steps and to generally have fun, so if you’ve been longing to know how to dance Salsa or Tango join a class and have fun as you lose the extra weight.  Also, joining the neighbourhood/Office Football/ Basket  ball team to practice and play each week will be more beneficial to a sport fan and can also be combined with Gym activities. You can even start the neighbourhood team if none is in existence and you do not have to be a professional to start or join an already existing team, you end up combining the health benefit of exercise with having fun.

An individual who weighs 68kg will expend the following amount of energy if he/she does the following activities for 1 hour

Activity                                 Energy expended inkilocalorie/hour

Sleeping                                           80
Lying at ease                                    89
Eating (Sitting)                                  93
Writing (Sitting)                                118
Light Aerobics                                   204
Walking (2.5 MPH)                             204
Cleaning (Male)                                 236
Golf                                                 244
Cleaning (Female)                              253
Walking (3.5MPH)                              299
Swimming (0.25MPH)                          299
Jogging –slow                                   476
Football- touch                                  476
Jogging – medium                              612
Basketball – vigorous                         680
Running/Jogging (10MPH)                    897

                                                      Reference  *Wardlaw 1999

Other Benefits of Increased Physical Activities includes:

  • Raising HDL in the Body: Research has showed that HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) which are usually refered to as “good Cholesterols”  can be raised by about 5mg/dl with at least 45 minutes of exercise four times a week.

  • It stretches the muscles and strengthens the bones which reduces risk of injuries.

  • Increased physical activity boosts overall self esteem.

A man I hold in high esteem once said (about 2000 years ago) that “bodily exercise profits little, so if in that day and age such could be deduced then I advice you (including yours truly) to get off that couch/seat and get moving.

Friday, 24 June 2011


The approach and style of a Nutritionist or Dietitian to weight loss usually seems laid back to some individuals who want to lose weight.  Some people ask, Why do I have to wait for 6 months to lose 25kg/55 lbs when I can lose all that in 1 month if I wire my jaws or use pills? My answer is that they will not be able to sustain that weight loss over the next few months. The FOUNDATION of A HEALTHY FOOD PLAN are VARIETY, BALANCE and MODERATION.

I know people who actually lost significant amount of weight on those crazy diets usually called Fad diets, but none has been able to maintain such weight loss on the long run. The major reason is that such diets are so rigid and impractical that nobody can remain on them for life. For instance, an individual with wired jaws can only sip liquids with the aid of a straw. For how long if I may ask? Also, People’s experience and research has showed that the use of pills like laxatives to achieve weight loss usually results in loss of body fluids and electrolytes and not excess body fat.  Some of these fad diets also results in loss of lean muscles rather than body fats, unfortunately when the weight is gained back it is usually in form of fat which are harder to lose and results in the yo-yo weight gain syndrome.

Oh, I just want to jump start my weight loss program with an extreme measure, then I can eat moderately to sustain my achieved weight goal some do rationalize, but they do not follow through on such because they do not know how. I am not disputing the fact that some individuals may need to jump start their weight loss, but I will recommend that such individuals consult a Dietitian or Nutritionist who will help them to plan a relatively healthy way to jump start the weight loss,  also calculate what will be needed  to further lose the remaining weight at a pace the body will gradually get used to and recalculate the body calorie need when the  desired weight is achieved to enable sustenance  over the years.
The way forward is to balance one’s diet by consuming a variety of foods daily with physical activities. The need for increased physical activities cannot be overemphasized as this enhances loss of body fats and enhances lean muscles build up which uses up more calorie even at rest.
Note that there are no “good” or “bad” foods as such, it is the way we process them and the regularity of consumption that usually causes the problems with food.
Finally, my peeps, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on this things. Philippians 4 verse 8

Wednesday, 15 June 2011


If a survey were to be carried out amongst my readers, I am convinced that a significant percentage of my readers will click on the foe button with speed and alacrity. On the contrary, carbohydrate is not a foe rather it is a friend.

In my few years of practice, I often hear my clients say “I have gained lots of weight because most of the food I eat are carbohydrates” but the challenge is not always with the carbohydrates but most often than not, with the fat content of their meals.
Carbohydrates especially starch and dietary fiber rich foods should constitute about half of an individual’s daily intake.  WHY?
1.       Carbohydrates are energy yielding nutrients which are not as fattening as fats and oil quantity for quantity. i.e. 1 gram of Carbohydrate will yield 4 kilocalories of energy while 1 gram of Fat will yield 9 kilocalories of energy.

2.       Carbohydrates protects the body against needless protein metabolism for energy and this is called  protein sparing , that is, when carbohydrate  is present in the body dietary protein can be used to make body tissues and to perform other vital processes.

3.       Carbohydrates provide flavor and sweetness to foods.

4.       Carbohydrate also prevents Ketosis, as adequate intake of carbohydrate is necessary for the complete metabolism of Fats to carbon dioxide and water. Ketosis in people living with Type 1 diabetes can cause numerous complications.

The challenge of carbohydrate intake usually lies in the type of carbohydrate consumed (preference of simple sugars above complex sugar) , quantity of the meal itself(eating more than is actually needed to perform daily activities) and the energy output/ physical activity of the individual in question(not expending as much energy as the quantity consumed).
Reduction of simple sugars can go a long way in helping to achieve as well as maintaining a healthy weight as a whole.
Note that sugars are naturally present in our foods, and by the time we consume foods with excess sugars added to them during processing, it becomes excessive hence the need to reduce the consumption of added sugars on the table, in the kitchen and at the supermarket.

·         Use less of all sugars and these includes honey, brown sugar, white sugars, syrups and molasses.

·         Reduce the sugars in foods prepared at home gradually until you’ve decreased it by 1/3rd or more so that the taste bud can gradually adjust to the new taste of little added sugar while you still enjoy your food.

·         Eat fruits as dessert or in between meals/snacks instead of sweets and candies.

·         Add less sugar to your coffee, tea and cereal. While you can aim to get to a point where you take your tea/coffee without sugar and you still enjoy it. (Seriously this is achievable, what we have is an acquired taste and you will be surprised by the things you enjoy once you get used to it- I’ve been doing Tea/coffee without sugar for the past 10 years and I sincerely enjoy it.)

·         Cut back on the number of sugared soft drinks and substitute with water and pure fruit juice when the need arises.( I am still struggling here though, LOL)

·         Eat fewer foods that are high in sugar  e.g candies, baked goods like cakes, muffins e.t.c.

·         Read food labels before you buy any processed foods and buy the ones with less sugars. (note that lactose, sucrose, fructose, galactose and maltose are also sugars).

So I challenge you all to treat carbohydrate as a friend as from today. Go enjoy your food and sin no more. lol

Wednesday, 25 May 2011


Dietary Fiber has been in the spot light a great deal lately, and I must say for a good cause. This blog post could have been titled the Weight loss benefits of Dietary Fiber, but that will not have done justice to dietary fiber considering all its other health benefits.

What is Dietary Fiber?
Keeping it simple(without boring you with the biochemical definition and modus operandi), Dietary fibers are non digestible materials primarily from plant fiber, formerly referred to as roughages.
There are 2 types of Dietary Fibers viz: Soluble and Insoluble Fibers.
Soluble Fibers are fibers that either dissolve or swell in water and are also fermented by bacteria in the Large intestine.  Food sources of these are Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Carrots, Barley, Oats and Kidney beans.
Insoluble Fibers are fibers that do not dissolve in water nor fermented in the Large intestine by bacteria. Food sources are Vegetables, Whole wheat, Brown rice, and Rye.
Health Benefits of Dietary Fibers!
These include Weight Loss/weight control, Reduction in the risk of Obesity development and its management, Prevention and treatment of constipation, Lowering Blood cholesterol, Managing Diabetes Mellitus and Preventing Colon and Rectal Cancer. 
·         Weight control:- A diet rich in Fiber aids weight loss, weight control and reduces the risk of developing Obesity as it provides bulk and leaves room for only a small amount of energy/fat dense food due to its filling properties. E.g. A plate of food serving made up of ¾ vegetable salads will only leave room for small quantity of Rice while it still fills up the tummy.
·         Constipation:- Dietary fiber helps in the stimulation of the peristalsis by drawing water into the Large intestine and helps to form a bulky, soft faeces( Simply aiding Bowel movement). It has been documented that eating plenty of dietary fiber is the best alternative for treating “typical” cases of constipation.
·         Diabetes Mellitus:-When Soluble dietary fiber is consumed in large quantities, it somewhat slows glucose absorption from the small intestine, which is very helpful in the treatment of Diabetes. Also, its filling properties also curbs the over consumption of simple sugars which is the bane of DM.
·         Cholesterol:- A high intake of soluble dietary fiber also inhibits the absorption of cholesterol and reduces cholesterol synthesis in different ways. It has also been reported that consumption of insoluble fiber aids in trapping “bad” cholesterol and eliminating them with the faeces.
·         Cancer:-Dietary fiber from whole grains, fruits, vegetables and beans may bind carcinogens in the faeces and decrease stool transit time which lowers the risk of colon and rectal cancer.
Increasing our intake of fruits and Vegetables  will  provide us with all the benefits of dietary fiber amongst its other benefits.

So, stock up on fruits and also eat more of their not so interesting cousins……Veggies

Thursday, 19 May 2011


Recommendation: This is an add- on to a previously posted write up titled “HUNGER VERSUS APPETITE”, I recommend that you read the previous post on this blog space in order to have a rich understanding of my thoughts on the subject.
 Our pick up point from the previous post is the statement, “A very good and helpful tool of weight management is the ability to differentiate the two types of drives at each particular point in time, because we are often faced by these drives daily”. The predominantly asked question was “I’ve realized my major problem is appetite, what physical steps can I take to ensure that I eat only when I am hungry and not just because the food is tempting?”

The Physical solution to this is Behaviour Modification. (Kindly refer to an earlier post where Behaviour Modification was treated in details).  The individual key will now be to find out what triggers your appetite, i.e. what is the external factor that triggers your desire to eat? For instance, if you discover that you reach out for an unhealthy snack every time you see a particular food commercial on TV, even after you just had a satisfying meal, then you have to break that Chain.  Not buying unhealthy snacks also will work for most people as this will help you to break the unhealthy chain, and control the stimuli of eat –at- sight.

The crux of the whole issue is to identify what triggers your appetite and deal with it; nobody can do it for you but you.

Whatever you say yes to controls you.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011


Hello once again dear readers. Many thanks on the feedback on the other topics already discussed on this blog. In fact, this topic is a result of one of such feedbacks from a dear friend and colleague. However, this topic could also be, Physiological Hunger Versus Psychological Hunger as they are practically the same. Please stay with me as I explain further.

Hunger and Appetite are both drives that influence our desires to eat, so they have this in common but, while Hunger is controlled by internal body mechanisms as a result of the body’s genuine need for food energy at a particular point in time, Appetite on the other hand is affected by external food choice mechanisms such as seeing a tempting favourite food. Hence its name psychological hunger, which is not true hunger.

A very good and helpful tool of weight management is the ability to differentiate the two types of drives at each particular point in time, because we are often faced by these drives daily.

I know without a doubt that true hunger (physiological hunger) is not always the problem as this often comes after a reasonable period of time or physical activity has elapsed between the time of the last meal and the time the pangs are experienced (except in some cases of rare medical conditions). The problem is usually with our Appetite (Psychological hunger).

Question 1: What is the Solution?
My Answer: God! God!! God!!!
(Did I hear you say here she comes again with the God theory? Does that mean I don’t have any control, or I can’t do it by myself? etc.)
Okay, here is my theory: Proverbs Chapter 23 verse 2 “And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to APPETITE” (KJV)emphasis mine. I read this scripture in different versions of the bible and none said if thou be given to hunger. So how come a king that lived thousands of years ago knew and recorded what scientists of our age are just discovering? God! God!! God!!! (I am having so much fun typing this). It was recorded that Solomon, the author of this verse, asked God for wisdom to rule His people and pronto he got it in every area………..Nutrition and Dietetics inclusive.
Question 2: How is God going to help me curb my appetites?
My Answer: Ask for His help, have faith He will Help and do your part which is majorly pouring your love and affections on God and not on food.
I once read a book titled “Rise Above” written by Gwen Shambling, a dietitian I greatly respect and admire. Her book confirmed all my belief on the lasting solution to getting rid of excessive weight and maintaining healthy weight for life. I recommend this book and her first book titled “The Weigh Down Diet” to all of my readers and friends who are serious about getting rid of the extra weight.
I sincerely advice you to make a good use of all the information available to you on this blog, and I want you to know that, what you believe will determine how you behave and how you behave will determine the results you get in life.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Behaviour Modification- Weight loss key

Behaviour modification is another great tool in achieving weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight at the long run. Some of us must have heard of Behaviour modification, while it is still new to a few of us. I usually explain to my clients that having the mindset that "I am going on a diet" often sets one up for failure. Healthy eating to achieve and maintain healthy weight should be a lifestyle and it is only when it is approached as such that success is achieved and sustained. In order to achieve this, problem behaviours that are specific to individuals has to be modified, so we will borrow 5 terms from Psychologists and expand them under factors that influence our food choices.

1. CHAIN BREAKING:- This is identifying, and breaking the link between 2 or more behaviours that encourage us to overeat. For most people, a good example of this is snacking while watching the TV. Sitting down to watch the TV is already minimising the amount of energy spent by our body at that period of time, so if this inaction is now coupled with unhealthy snacking, then extra energy is stored up in the body as fat. My advice is for you not to snack while watching the TV but you can substitute this with exercising while watching your favourite TV show or movie, and also turning off the TV at mealtimes is also recommended.

2. STIMULUS CONTROL:- This is changing your environment to reduce the stimuli for overeating, for example, removing foods from sight and storing them in kitchen cabinets particularly ready to eat foods. A lot of us will think that we dont have issues with this........uhm  think again. Let me prove you wrong (at least a greater percentage of us if not all). Here you are at work, it is approaching lunch time and you are actually hungry, so on your way to the resturant you thought about what u will eat when you get there, and on getting there you actually place your order then as you take your seat (or on your way to your seat) BAM!!!!!!!!!it happens, you just happen to see a transparent refrigerator with a chilled bottle of ....................( Fill in the gap) then you think i need that drink to wash down my, and you say your food choice is not affected by what you see...............think again.

3. COGNITIVE RESTRUCTURING:- This involves changing your frame of mind regarding eating. For example, instead of using boredom as an excuse for an extra plate of food, do something that involves burning energy; rather than chewing extra bars of chocolate to get you out of a momentary bout of depression or whichever emotional downtime, chew on the word of God, meditate on your favourite verse of the scripture, remember God's past faithfulness, Sing praises and dance, the list is endless, pick one that works best for you.

4. CONTIGENCY MANAGEMENT:- This is forming a plan of action to respond to a situation in which overeating is likely to occur e.g. when snacks are within arms length at a party, what do you do? Let me give you a personal tip that works for me, pick up an interest in the people you are sitting with and if that is becoming difficult, then look for an old friend and catch up on lost times while you slowly chew and enjoy the food you have carefully selected for yourself.  Dont eat anything just because it is available.

5. SELF MONITORING:- This is a process of tracking the foods you eat and the conditions affecting your eating. keeping a food diary is important for someone serious about losing excess weight as it will open ones eyes to the contributions of those little in between snacks one takes unconsiously. It does not have to be an elaborate diary, a jotter will do for starters where you write all you ate during the day. Also conditions affecting your choice of foods might be your friends and family.....meditate on these things.

Note: This has been more serious than i intended, but weight loss is a serious issue and i want you to remember that change starts from the mind, ( as a man/woman thinketh, so is He/She), so, if you believe you can and will lose weight then you will.

 Start believing..................Keep believing.............till we meet again.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011


Weight loss is the most widely discussed topic worldwide out of the weight management topics because quite a number of the present human race wants to lose weight due to the phenomenon of food hunting man as opposed to the man hunting food of hundreds of years ago. Now weight loss can be achieved consiously/ deliberately or unconsiously. Over time in my profession i've realised that it is not everybody who says that 'i want to lose weight' actually wants to lose weight (in fact the first response of most people i meet for the first time once they hear i am a dietitian is i want to lose weight, so how do i go about it?), so the first thing you need to know is to discover if you trully want to lose weight. 
Having determined that, then you pursue your desire. A wise man once said that the proof of desire is pursuit, so if you really desire weight loss you will pursue it, for instance, you did not become the professional you are today without studying to become that (even if it was not your first choice, you still studied to become that), also you are not a true fan of a sporting event without actually spending time to understand the sport, watching the sporting event, and flying your club's colours, all of which involves commiting your time and resources,so nobody who ACTUALLY wants to lose weight achieves that without spending time and resources to know how it works and my goal is to help in pointing you to the right direction.

Knowing how confusing some weight loss tips can be, i intend to keep this simple and straight forward, so here we go:

  • GOD: No, your eyes are not deceiving you, neither is your mind. Commit your weight loss desire into the hands of God by praying about it. Remember the sayings of the wise king in the book of proverbs chapter 3 verses 5 & 6 which says that "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path." If you forget any other tip on this blog please do not forget this. It makes logical sense that the creator knows all about what He created and i know quite a number of people who have successfully lost weight by committing this desire into God's hands including yours truly; so stop putting first thing last and go ahead right now and pray about this and i assure you that He will open your eyes to know how best to put all the tips here and else where to good use which will bring you to your desired weight or dress size. (Trust me, this works)

  • MATHS: lol, yes maths, there are 3 equations you should learn and never forget, they are:
          (i) Food intake > Food expenditure = WEIGHT GAIN

          (ii)Food Intake = Food Expenditure = WEIGHT MAINTENANCE

          (iii)Food Intake < Food Expenditure = WEIGHT LOSS

         The body converts food we eat into energy which we use to carry out  our daily activities, so if  the amount of food consumed is more than the amount of food spent then weight gain occurs,also if the amount of food consumed is equal to the amount of energy expended, then you maintain your current weight, but our goal is equation (iii) so every tip you see on this topic is to help us to expend more energy than we consume. This will help you to understand every other tip you see on this topic here or in any magazine or advert.

Keep holding on till i come your way with more tips next week

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Weight management

Hello Dear friends, welcome on board, i decided to get myself into deep waters by starting off my blog with a topic with many contradictory issues, but i realise that i have to get out of my comfort zone. Actually my passion, field of expertise and career is Nutrition and Dietetics serves as the basis for this but most importantly, i can do all things through Christ that Strengtens me. Weight management includes a lot of things which can all be broadly attended to under 3 segment viz: WEIGHT LOSS, WEIGHT GAIN & WEIGHT MAINTENANCE. These 3 segments will be tackled seperately at times but most times under the same umbrella of other related or seeminly unrelated topics but make sure you are not just a reader but a doer because everybody belongs to one of the categories above and there are times in life when we move from one category to another for instance,  an executive who has been within the healthy weight range for his height suddenly discovers that he has added so much weight that he is no longer  in that range but has moved on to a not so healthy or downright unhealthy weight range; or the all too normal phenomenon of having to lose the extra weight gained during pregnancy. Also we have an individual who has lost so much weight due to proplonged illness and needs to get back on course. 

So, for you to know which category you belong to You need to know your Body Mass Index (BMI) which is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in metres viz weight in kg/ height x height in metres, you then compare your result with a standard BMI chart to know if your weight is within the healthy weight range or not. (pregnancy period is an exception to this rule)

BMI categories

Underweight < 18.5

Normal Weight 18.5 - 24.9

Overweight  25 - 29.9

Obesity    30 or Greater.

Although the BMI has its limitation but it is a basic tool of assessment which can help an individual to take charge of his/her life. 

Do not hesitate to contact me if you want a professional advice.

Contact Details

Olusola Sotunde R.D. (Nigeria)

E mail